Winter Quarter 2023

Winter Quarter Offerings

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Projected Schedule for Winter Quarter

All classes will be available in person at our Lakewood campus, 

and most will also be hybrid ~ available in-person AND remotely.

Monday2PMOT SurveyShoemaker
Monday6PMBook of RevelationLindholm
Tuesday6PMTheology I: GodStewart
Tuesday6PMGreek IITangedahl
Wednesday6PMInterpretation / HermeneuticsHolcomb
Wednesday6PMBiblical & Systematic TheologyBouterse
Thursday6PMMinistry to Couples and Families in CrisisSteele
Thursday6PMApologetics IKimball

Tuition cost is: $250 PER CLASS. financial aid is available. 

To take classes for Enrichment / Audit is only $50 per quarter.

Or apply HERE now!

Book of Revelation

An in-depth study of the Book of Revelation; chapter-by-chapter, verse-by-verse, giving a prophetic historical account, with prophecy for the future; end-times and eternity, as presented by Jesus, from heaven, to His beloved friend and disciple, the Apostle John, who wrote what Jesus told him to write to the seven churches, while John was in exile on the Island of Patmos. I pray that this study will be a blessing to those who wish to be a part of the Kingdom of God.

Theology I: God

In this course students will study the concept of theology, doctrine of God’s essence, existence, creation, and eternal acts, to include God’s divine providence. The Holy Trinity and its controversy will not be overlooked in this in-depth study of God. Students will explore the natural nature of God and God’s relation to creation, as it is distinguished in the Godhead in Christian belief, as well as the Christian concept of monotheism. This course will be very challenging, joyful, and a delight as each student will enhance their knowledge of God.

Contact Us

Covenant Bible Seminary

Call (253) 472-4322

Email [email protected]

Visit Covenant Bible Seminary, during Office Hours,Monday-Thursday, 2-5pm