Trading ‘J’ for ‘H’ (Part 1)
[WP-Coder id="1"] Rejoice In Christ A woman was Christmas shopping at a crowded mall. She was tired of fighting the crowds, standing in line, looking for a gift that sold...

The Benefits Of Being A Jesus Thinker
[WP-Coder id="1"] We benefit when confusion becomes order. Confusion reigns in secular thinking because the sense of right and wrong, good and bad, useful and useless, appropriate and inappropriate rotate...

Change the way you think . . . “Think like Jesus!”
[WP-Coder id="1"] Bankrupt modern secular thinking Francis Schaeffer, in his classic, How Should We Then Live? says there are two impoverished values that permeate the secular mind - 1) Personal...

Don’t Copy The Behavior And Customs Of This World
[WP-Coder id="1"] The following behaviors are things that prove we don’t actually love God!!! (1 John 2:15–17) Behavior # 1: Sinful cravings and materialism. Secular thinking evaluates things and makes...

WWJT: What Would Jesus Think?
[WP-Coder id="1"] To be like Jesus, we must think like Jesus Worldview. That’s a word unfamiliar to many. It’s the way individuals look at their world and how they fit...

Jesus Is The Life
[WP-Coder id="1"] Can we believe in the resurrection? It’s one of the best–documented events of the ancient world—far better attested than Julius Caesar’s assassination, for example! If Jesus Christ is...