Experiences That Shape Your Life
Are there certain experiences that shape you for the rest of your life? Are there people you meet or things that happen that permanently change who you become later in...

Introduction to Christianity
Do you remember your first introduction to Christianity? Who first told you about Jesus, and what did they say? How did you learn about becoming a Christian? Do you recall...

Have you ever heard about the controversial research of Dr. Harry Harlow? He conducted experiments on rhesus monkeys in the 1950’s and 60’s. I remember the first time I learned...

The Tears of Advent
Understanding Advent Through the Story of Lazarus – How God Comes Near By Dr. Scott Rodin, Academic Dean, Covenant Bible Seminary “Jesus wept.” (John 11:35) This is the shortest verse...

What Is Hidden Inside Your Traditions?
When you were growing up, did your family have any Christmas traditions? If so, what were your favorite ones? Have you carried those traditions on into your adult life? Have...

Three Things to Ponder, Two Special Events, and a Christmas Prayer Especially for You
When I was in Bible college, we were encouraged to do an exercise of writing our own personal mission statement. I remember Dr. Joe Aldridge speaking in chapel one day...