Three Things to Ponder, Two Special Events, and a Christmas Prayer Especially for You

When I was in Bible college, we were encouraged to do an exercise of writing our own personal mission statement.  I remember Dr. Joe Aldridge speaking in chapel one day and outlining the process of praying, and taking a good look at your life, and asking God, “Why did You create me?  And what have You called me to do with this life, while I am on this earth?” 

Have you ever asked God that question?  Have you ever considered your life experiences up to this point?  Have you ever taken an inventory of your strengths and your weaknesses?  Your gifts and talents?   Have you ever wondered if perhaps God has gifted you with talents and experiences that He specifically chose to make you the person that you are today?  And have you considered how God might want to use all those things for His purposes in the world?

At Covenant Bible Seminary, we prepare women and men of faith to live out their calling and purpose by offering a Christ-centered education in a caring community.  We do this through our classes and academic programs, and also through special events.  We sponsor these events and offer them FREE to people in our community in an effort to further the cause of Christ, and bless and equip His apprentices so they can live as a sign and foretaste of His Kingdom! 

In the coming months, we are hosting two special events to prepare Christians to engage graciously, thoughtfully, and biblically on some of the most difficult and complicated topics of our times: racial reconciliation, and gender identity, sexuality and theology.  

Get more info or register on our events page.  

My prayer for you this Christmas, is that God will bless you with some margin, with some time for silence, with some space to get quiet before the Lord and listen.  And I pray that you would hear His voice telling you those powerful words, “You are my beloved child.  I have loved you with an everlasting love.  I have created you and gifted you for a purpose.  To point those around you toward My grace and love for them, to live as an outpost of beauty and goodness in the world.  So others may see in you: the power of My love, the truth of My Gospel, and the grace of My Son, Jesus.” 

John Golling