Father of Lies

Mid Section View Of People Reading Holy Book In Hall

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Satan’s lies are deadly; do we recognize them?

The bloodiest war in our national history was fought right here on American soil.

More Americans died during the Civil War than any other war.

  • Civil War: 625,000 deaths
  • WW–I: 116,516 deaths
  • WW–II: 405,399 deaths
  • Vietnam: 58,151 deaths

During my years in the south, this Yankee was told that the Civil War wasn’t really about slavery, it was about economics.

The southerners said the war was to ensure that northerners kept the upper hand when it came to money.

I’m not a Civil War scholar. But as I have studied it, I have returned to the belief that for most people, it really was about setting innocent victims free from slavery.

One little–known fact about the Civil War is that, after the war was over, and millions of slaves had the freedom to go wherever they chose, many of them stayed right where they were and continued to work as slaves.

They kept on living in filth and squalor, with little to eat, no personal incomes, working the white man’s fields, just as they had before freedom became theirs.

That seems so much like many Christians who benefited from Christ’s Emancipation Proclamation on the cross and out of the empty tomb.

We Can Be Completely Free.

Our slave owner, the devil, has no more power to enslave us.

Yet too often we keep on living in the filth and squalor of sin, hungering and thirsting for something better, slaving away doing satan’s work, when we have been freed from sin and its terrible effects.

If only we could sort out truth from lies.

If only we could embrace the truth that Christ said would set us free, and stop believing the Father of Lies, satan himself.

As we read the book of John and get to chapter 8, the Pharisees didn’t believe Jesus’ claim about Who He was. And that got Jesus talking about truth and lies.

John 8 31–44 is a stunningly powerful passage, laying bare the pure evil that is the devil.

Moment of Truth:

Satan is full of untruth; in fact, it’s his native language. When we speak truth, we speak God’s native language. Only His truth can set us free.

Next time: “Freedom versus Slavery

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