2024 Fall Quarter Offerings
Classes start on the week of September 9, 2024
Schedule for Fall Quarter 2024
All classes will be available in person at our Lakewood campus, and most will also be hybrid ~ available in-person AND remotely.
Tuition cost is $250 per class
Financial Aid is available
Comparative Religion
Prof. Michael Lindholm
An introductory study and analysis of today's cults, the occult, and secular and non-Christian religions. In this age of religious pluralism and the new-age thought that all religions are the same – it is more important than ever to understand not only that Christianity is incompatible with other religions but that it has the answers that man needs. It’s called the ‘gospel message.’ This course is for those who want to understand other people-groups and their religions to share not only the gospel message – but to strengthen your own faith and understanding in what the Lord Christ Jesus has done for us that makes Christianity so unique. For it is, “the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes.” I pray that this course will be a blessing to those who want to explore the beauty and sweetness of the gospel as compared to other worldviews.
(Postponed to Winter Quarter)
A Theology of Reconciliation
Dr. Eddie Koh
In this course, we will survey God’s word and relevant Christian writings to gain a greater understanding of the theology of reconciliation and why it is central to Christian faith and life. It will highlight the wonder of the gospel of grace and deepen our love of Christ. Our study will challenge us to embrace and commit to a Christian life and ministry of reconciliation in our broken world.
We will also learn the value of a biblical emphasis on reconciliation, and evaluate its role in the theological scope of evangelical teaching, preaching, and discipleship. We will then consider the theological study and practice of reconciliation in our particular socio-cultural context and seek insight into this important historic Christian belief.
Christ-Centered Mental Health First Aid
Prof. Thomas Reeves
Chaplaincy competency course in Spiritual Care responding to Mental Health crises. Develop core assessment and responding skills, competencies and interventions. This is a foundational class in chaplaincy and Pastoral Care.
Psalms and the Power of Poetry
Dr. Danny Holcomb
We will discover the genre, history, authorship, application and potential for personal impact on our spiritual journey from this great collection of Hebrew poetry.
A Theology of Identity and Vocation
Prof. John Golling
In this course, students will study various theological views concerning a theology of identity and vocation. We will examine the importance of understanding one’s Identity, Vocation and Community, and begin the process of discovering these essential elements in their own life in the light of Scripture. These represent the tri-fold aspects of human life, and a biblical understanding of these are essential for spiritual formation, effective discipleship, and faithful, fruitful Christian ministry.
Introduction to Chaplaincy
Prof. Ben Harris
A chaplain is one who is called to take the truth, the love, and the presence of God to specific places to serve specific populations. In order to fulfill this mission, a chaplain may be required to overcome uncommon obstacles and integrate into unique cultures. Regardless of the specific mission field they are called to, a chaplain can expect to find themselves ministering to others in difficult and overwhelming situations. This course applies Biblical principles and evidence-based best practices in equipping chaplains to more effectively engage and assist those they are called to serve in this challenging and impactful ministry.
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Monday-Thursday, 2-5pm
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