
Statement Of Faith.

Covenant Bible Institute Doctrinal Position.

Seven Core Commitments

The following seven statements comprise the non-negotiable, unequivocal beliefs that are the foundation for the mission and work of Covenant Bible Institute. They are taken from and fully align with the Institute’s full Statement of Faith 1 . Every member of the administration, faculty and board of directors must confirm their full agreement with these Core Commitments and pledge to lead, teach and govern according to the standards and implications that flow from them.

#1 - The Purpose of Holy Scripture

We believe that the sixty-six (66) canonical books of the Old and New Testament are the divinely inspired Word of God to us and we submit to them as the only infallible authority in all matters of faith and practice.

#2 - The Triune God

We believe in the triune God who exists eternally as one God in three persons; the person of God the Father who reigns in heaven with providential care over His entire universe, His creatures and the flow of human history according to the purposes of His eternal grace; God the Son, the Lord Jesus Christ, who is the Word, who always existed as God from the beginning; and God the Holy Spirit who dwells in all believers and offers guidance into the fuller experience of truth which He is ever granting to those who diligently seek after Him in accordance with the Holy Scriptures.

#3 - The State of Humanity and Salvation

We believe that humanity was created in the image and likeness of God to be God’s covenant partners. God declared creation to be good, and humankind to be very good as the objects of His love. Through Adam's sin all creation became alienated from God. Humankind acquired a sin nature and came under the law and penalty of death. To overcome sin and death, we believe Jesus Christ came into this world in order that He might reveal Himself to us as God in human flesh. He accomplished our salvation through His substitutionary sacrificial death on the cross and our redemption is made available to us by His resurrection from the dead as the only sinless man who ever lived. Our eternal salvation from sin, death and hell is assured only by faith in Him and is reserved in heaven for all eternity.

#4 - The Gift of Salvation

We believe that eternal salvation is a free gift from God offered to all people, by God’s grace and received only by personal faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, wherein a believer's sins are forgiven eternally and the Holy Spirit of God takes up residence in the believer's heart, manifesting good works pleasing to God for time and eternity. We believe that the Atonement is holy, vicarious and unlimited. It is the central doctrine of faith regarding all that the Lord Jesus Christ accomplished by His sufferings and sacrificial death on the Cross for the sins of all people; redeeming humankind and bringing about the Reconciliation of God to all humanity through Jesus Christ, for those who do not resist the Holy Spirit and do receive Jesus Christ as their personal Lord and Savior.

#5 - The Church

We believe the Church is the body of Christ that is entrusted with the Great Commission to go and make disciples of all people, to baptize them in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit and teach them to love and obey the Lord and His Holy Word, the Bible. The Church is to be faithful in the proclamation of the Gospel by the preaching of the Holy Scriptures and in the observance of Holy Baptism and Holy Communion. The Church is to manifest the fruit and the gifts of the Holy Spirit in worship and service of the Lord, Jesus Christ. We believe we are to love one another and do all we can, insomuch as it depends on us, to keep unity among all believers in Jesus Christ.

#6 - Marriage

We believe that marriage between a man and a woman is a Divine Order established by God in creation: God made man and woman in His image. Each is made, by God, for the other with their essential natures being complementary so that they may be brought into oneness in marriage. Therefore, sexual intimacy is shared exclusively between a man and woman who have committed to one another through a marriage covenant.

#7 - The Second Coming

We believe in the Second Coming of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, Who will, at His second coming, bring about the resurrection from the dead of all who ever lived, the final judgment on sin and death, and the eternal salvation of all true believers in Him. He will usher in the New Heaven and the New Earth including His Holy City, the New Jerusalem where those who believe in Him will reign with Him for all eternity, “and there shall be no more curse.”


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