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Covenant Bible Seminary 

Still accepting applications for Online Enrollment

About Covenant Bible Seminary

At Covenant Bible Seminary, we are continually asking, “So what? Now what?” This means every academic course, every assignment, needs to have a purpose. No sermons, no Bible lessons, no worship services without a practical application that will Make A Difference in the world around us.

Our goal is to prepare pastors, leaders, and disciples for the challenges of ministry in a world of struggle. Our programs are designed to equip you for however you are called to serve the Kingdom. Whether you are a pastor leading a congregation, a chaplain comforting the sick, or a leader in the marketplace, Covenant Bible Seminary has a program to develop you for your unique calling.

Life at Covenant Bible Seminary

Whether you are currently in ministry or looking to begin your service to the Kingdom, you can tailor your classes to your life. We offer a broad variety of classes at convenient times that work for those already serving or for those who are just starting out.

You only pay per credit hour and there are no hidden fees so you can take as many or as few classes as you want, and you won’t be penalized for it. Go at your pace and graduate when you are ready.

Academia at Covenant Bible Seminary

In the Great Commission (Matthew 28:18–20), Jesus did not say, “Go and learn more stuff!” He didn’t instruct us, “Impress the world with more and more letters after your name!” He never told anyone, “Your reason for being here is to cram as much knowledge inside your head as you can!”

Jesus said, “As you are going around in life, help more and more people become Followers (yes, big F) of Me. Baptize them into this new life. Teach them how to obey what I have taught—you’ll find it in the Word of God. By the way, I will be with you every step of the way. You cannot fail if you will just follow My example!”

At CBS, academics serve a greater purpose than credentials or bragging rights or even the acquisition of truth.

We believe that TRUTH serves in pursuit of a greater good: to LEAD


LEARNHow to fulfill God’s calling 

Reach the world with the Good News of a Savior who loves people so much He’d rather die than let them go.


EXPERIENCEGod’s rich blessings in your life

Use your experience to bless the world–at–large.

Use your experience to bless the world–at–large.


ADVANCE like a well–disciplined army

Use our academic success to appropriate the power of God, defeat a determined army of evil, and rescue people who are at great risk of destruction by God’s enemies.


DIRECTthe power of God’s love and acceptance

into the lives of defeated, guilt–ridden, fearful, angry people who desperately want to know Jesus—they just don’t know yet that they want to know Jesus.


LEARNHow to fulfill God’s calling 

Reach the world with the Good News of a Savior who loves people so much He’d rather die than let them go.


EXPERIENCEGod’s rich blessings in your life

Use your experience to bless the world–at–large.


ADVANCE like a well–disciplined army

Use our academic success to appropriate the power of God, defeat a determined army of evil, and rescue people who are at great risk of destruction by God’s enemies.


DIRECTthe power of God’s love and acceptance

into the lives of defeated, guilt–ridden, fearful, angry people who desperately want to know Jesus—they just don’t know yet that they want to know Jesus.

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