Discover...Certificates. Diplomas. Degrees.
At Covenant Bible Institute, we prepare and equip followers of Jesus to flourish in their personal life, spiritual walk, relationships, and chosen vocation, by being transformed by the Spirit, through the study of God’s Word, in community with others.
A certificate is a 21-credit hour program that allows the student to focus on a specific area of study. Courses are designed to help students engage in deep theological reflection of a particular section of the Scriptures, academic field, or area of ministry. All courses are biblically based and intended to give students the principles and practices of interpretation that will equip them for a lifetime of joyful and productive Bible study, spiritual growth, and Spirit-led ministry.
A Diploma is a 48-credit hour program that allows the student to gain a thorough understanding, proficient knowledge, and increased skills in their chosen field of study. Students engage in deep theological reflection and survey a broad range of material in a ministry area: Biblical Studies, Theology, or Practical Ministry. All courses are biblically based and intended to give students the principles and practices of interpretation that will equip them for a lifetime of joyful Bible study, spiritual growth, and Spirit-empowered ministry.
Covenant Bible Institute has worked diligently to provide the best available degrees in Biblical Education since its founding in 1985, by the late Dr. Merritt Lawson.
Part of Covenant’s continuing vision has been to offer accredited degree programs, especially in upper-level degrees, such as Master of Divinity and Doctor of Ministry. Now, partnering with Kairos University, we are uniquely positioned to offer fully accredited Bachelor, Masters, and Doctor degrees.
Enhance Your Ability To Accurately Interpret and Communicate God's Word.
Start the journey toward strengthening your vocational or volunteer
ministry at Covenant Bible Institute today.