An important announcement from President and CEO Shawn Manley
The Board of Directors of Covenant Bible Seminary is pleased to announce a change in our name to Covenant Bible Institute.
Founded in 1947, our mission is to be a Christ-centered academic community where students are welcomed, equipped, and prepared to fulfill their calling through a lifetime of faithful service. We believe we can most faithfully carry out our mission through the flexibility implicit within our new name.
The change to ‘Institute’ reflects our commitment to serve both people who desire an academic degree and those who seek deeper knowledge in Biblical studies and theology. Covenant Bible Institute equips all students to use their knowledge in a wide variety of ministry settings. We continue to offer accredited degree programs through our relationship with Kairos University, including bachelor’s, master’s and doctorate degrees. Over two years ago, we implemented certificate and diploma courses designed to prepare God’s people for ministry and life.
Whether you seek an academic degree, preparation for ministry, or equipping yourself to be a more faithful disciple, CBI has the right courses for you.
We look forward to serving you at Covenant Bible Institute.
For More Info ...
For more detailed information about this name change, click the button to read the official letter from Shawn Manley, President and CEO.
You're Pulling My Leg!
Click below to read Reflections on a Name Change, by John Golling, Registrar and Director of Student Life.
Doctrinal Statement
We believe in certain qualities to be fundamental in an understanding of our relationship with God.